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  • G 288 Local Volunteer & Donations Management

G 288 Local Volunteer & Donations Management

  • 06/27/2023
  • 8:00 AM
  • 06/28/2023
  • 4:30 PM
  • Delaware Co Sheriff's Office, 1225 W Howard St., Manchester, IA

G 288 Local Volunteer & Donations Management

Course Description:The course is designed to strengthen the abilities of local jurisdictions to successfully prepare for and handle volunteer and donations management issues that may arise. The course content and activities may also serve as a template, thereby enhancing uniformity in addressing areas of donated unsolicited goods, unaffiliated volunteers, and undesignated cash. This training also provides information regarding the State’s volunteer and donations management responsibilities, which are designed to help build relationships between government and non-government organizations. To provide local emergency management personnel and voluntary agency representatives with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and execute an effective volunteer and donations management program. **This course is part of the FEMA Advanced Professional Series (APS)

Event Location/Address:Delaware Co Sheriff's Office 1225 W Howard St

City and County:Manchester  -  DELAWARE     (District 6)

Additional Information:1) Lunch is on your own, adequate time will be provided 2) This course is slated for 1 1/2 days (12hrs) 3) This multi-day course is supported with Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) funding. You may request lodging reimbursement if you traveled an excess of 50 miles one-way and are an Iowa resident. Requests are based upon available funding. Before making lodging reservations and Prior to start of class, email your lodging reimbursement request to HSEMDTraining@iowa.gov limited to the first 5 registrants who respond prior to start of class. All other travel will be on your own if the above doesn't apply or requested. Please follow the current CDC guidelines, and if you feel ill, have a temperature, or have a sore throat, stay home.

Course Dates:6/27/2023   through   6/28/2023    -   (8:00 AM  to  4:30 PM)

Registration URL: https://eoc.iowa.gov/training/caldetails.aspx?eventid=1508&courseid=192

CONTACT US: (515) 650-0424 | sip@safeguardiowa.org | 1907 Carpenter Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314

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